1800 Melbin Sponsorship

At Bin Hire Melbourne we are always looking for ways to support local communities.  A great way to do this is though club sponsorship.  Sponsorship is a very effective way to show our support for the community as well as promote our skip hire business.  Each year we sponsor a few different sporting clubs.  This year one of the clubs we are sponsoring is Hoppers Crossing Warriors Football Club.

The Warriors have a membership base in excess of 450 local families, 1000 members.  As well as showing support for the community, we are supporting a great sporting club.  During the eighteen week football season many local people visit the Warriors home ground.   Our 1800 Melbin sign is up along the fence line for all to see.

The Warriors first senior game of the season is on Saturday April 14th.  They will be playing away at St. Albans.   We are proud to be part of this club and wish them every success for the 2018 season.

Allan Moody and his son, Jordan Moody.  – Allan is head trainer at Hoppers Crossing Warriors and 2016 club person of the year.

The end of summer is the perfect time for a garden clean up. The summer months can be tough on your front or backyard gardens. We all enjoy spending plenty of time outside during summer but hot days can sometimes prevent us getting out there to weed and tidy up.

The end of February sees the hotter weather behind us. The cooler weather is just around the corner, it is a great time to tidy up and prepare your garden for autumn and winter.

Your garden plants can flourish in the lovely summer months and might be due for a tidy up.  Cutting back overgrown plants and trees is a great way to get your garden looking great after a long hot summer.

With any size backyard you may find that your green waste bin fills pretty quickly.  Once the lawn is mowed and the grass cuttings placed in your recycling bin there is no extra room for other items.  1800 Mel Bin can help you with hire of a walk in skip for all the extra clippings and cuttings.  Our smallest skip bin is 2m3, which may be perfect size for the overflow of green waste.

Any weeds, grass cuttings, dead plants and overgrown tree branches can go straight in the skip. All green waste that is collected in your skip bin goes to our transfer station to be recycled.

All your hard work in the garden can be a tiring job but it is all worth the effort in the end.  You’ll have a great looking garden ready for the coming autumn months.

Whether you’re thinking about undertaking a front or backyard landscaping project or even adding a swimming pool to your yard.  Digging up and clearing the area is essential.  For smaller jobs you may be able to dig up the yard by hand with the trusty shovel and wheelbarrow.  Or larger jobs you could hire a bobcat to do the digging and loading for you.

We have a range of skip bins suitable to carry unwanted soil.  From our smallest 2m3 walk in skip up to an 8m3.  Our bins are all walk in bins to allow for easy access.

Once your skip bin has been delivered and filled with soil we will pick it up and return it to our transfer station for recycling.  The soil is then put through a large machine, called a trammel.  This machine sifts the soil of items that have been mixed in such as trees, rubbish or small amounts of concrete.  The machine will also break up any larger blocks of soil.

Once the soil has gone through the trommel it is loaded into a skip bin ready to be carted to the next point for recycling and reuse.

We send our recycled soil to Bolinda Road Tip in Campbellfield.  We also deliver soil to a permitted site in Plumpton where the soil will be used to level land that will be used as a horse training facility.

After a busy Christmas and New Year period the school holidays have quickly come to an end. With the kids back to school, a quiet house is the perfect time to get organised by cleaning up and making sure to clear your home of clutter. Bin Hire Melbourne can help you out with your tidy up. We have a range of skips for hire, sizes from a 2m3 up to 24m3. Our walk in skip bin will be delivered to your home ready for you to start your clean up.

We can be so busy getting out and about during the holidays that keeping on top of clutter gets put to the side. Without realising we store away items and decorations that we no longer need or want and worry about it later. Take a little extra time to sort through what you will and won’t use in the following years. This will save you time next Christmas holidays.

A great way to get started after the holidays is to try to stick to a simple rule: Throw away two items to make way for every new item that has been received over the Christmas and New Year period.
Gather these items together and sort what stays and what can be thrown away. You can always fill a garbage bin full of old toys or clothing to donate to charity. All unwanted items can go straight in the skip. We hire our walk in skip bins for up to 4 days, so there’s no need to rush to get it done all in one day.

Are you losing the love you once had for your home?

Can that even happen? Of course it can!

If you’ve found yourself looking around at years of clutter around your home you may be feeling a bit over it all. It could be old pot plants around the backyard. Cupboards full of outgrown clothes. Even drawers full of newspapers and rooms filled with old furniture. It all adds up!

A lounge room full of clutter with old furniture and possessions

Does this feel a little bit like your loungeroom?

If it has been too long since your last big clean up, get on top of it now. Make space in your life for what matters and bring back that lovin’ feeling. We all know there is nothing quite like walking into a clutter free house.

Thinking about cleaning up while looking around may be daunting at first. We have some tips to make the process a little less intimidating;

  • Don’t look at everything. Just do one room at a time.
  • Don’t be afraid to throw out and replace. If you haven’t used it for years just bin it.
  • Get the kids involved. Let’s face it most of the clutter is probably because of them.
  • Let your neighbours know. You’ll want to have loud music playing so as a courtesy let your neighbours be aware of your pending cleanup.
  • Organise what you are throwing out then hire a walk in bin.

Once you know what you are chucking out from a room you will be able to get an idea of what size bin you need to hire. We have a huge range of small walk in bins for domestic rubbish removal at very competitive prices.

As daunting as it may be, you’ll be glad you started. You may even have more rubbish than you anticipated..no need to worry, we have you covered!

Most people generally hire a skip in Melbourne for one reason, and one reason alone: to fill it.

You expect that when you hire a skip you’ll be able to fit as much of your waste in as it will hold, and you’ll have control over what goes into it. This is important to ensuring you’re able to throw away everything you need to get rid of and that nothing that shouldn’t go in the skip. But these expectations can be turned on their heads by the sneaky skip bandits who dispose of their own rubbish in somebody else’s bin late at night or when no one is watching.

The vast majority of our customers have never had a problem with this, but there have been cases where this very thing has occurred but luckily, there are some very simple steps you can take to prevent this from happening if you are concerned about it. Neighbours may see the appearance of a skip in the street as an opportunity to throw away a few things they’ve been meaning to get rid of for a while, not realising that this could be a problem for the person who actually hired it. Before your skip arrives, give your neighbours a heads up and let them know that you will probably need all of it for your own rubbish. The majority of neighbours will happily respect this, but you can always offer to let them put some things in it after you’ve finished filling it.

Unfortunately though, not everyone may be this reasonable or cooperative. There may be that one person who sees this as an opportunity to be rid of their own rubbish at no cost to them. The best way to try and combat this issue is:

– Try and get your skip filled up as quickly as you can so it is not sitting around for too long for someone to take the opportunity to fill it without your consent.

– If possible have the skip placed in your driveway so people don’t have as good a chance accessing the skip.

– If possible place a tarp over the skip at times when the skip is not in use.

Taking these measures with your Melbourne skip hire will allow you to ensure that your bin is not overfilled or filled with the wrong types of rubbish. This will prevent any additional costs to your hire. Our prices are extremely competitive and you can let your neighbours know to give us a call on 1800 MEL BIN if they need to get rid of rubbish as well. Alternatively, work out what your neighbours are trying to dump and maybe you can hire a larger bin and split the costs, this will probably work out cheaper for you and more convenient for your neighbourhood.

In today’s society there is a huge amount of waste. When we go shopping for groceries, all our food items are stored in various branded packaging materials. We use our items and throw away all this rubbish every week, filling our rubbish bins and having them emptied for the following week. This cycle repeats itself. If you stop and think about how much rubbish you are dumping every week and try to visualise what a years’ worth of rubbish might look like, it’s a little bit daunting.

A lot of the waste we throw away are things that can be recycled. Plastics, glass, paper and cardboard. Maybe you get a lot of this material into your recycling bins, but your probably still throwing a good amount of recyclable materials away into the regular rubbish bins. Not recycling your waste as much as possible has many negative impacts. The most obvious one is the impact to the environment. Whether you believe in climate change or not, even if you are being wasteful you are contributing to the harvesting of trees and oils in order to create the packaging that is used to hold your goods. Another huge impact affects our pricing.

Skip Hire Melbourne maximises our recycling efforts, we take full skip bins back to our transfer stations and sort out the different waste types. After this we dispose of each type in the most environmental way we can, thus reducing our level of dumping at the local tips. Reducing this landfill also reduces our impact to the environment but it also reduces our costs. With our costs lowered we are able to pass on cheaper rates to our clients which is a big part of why our skip hire is so competitive.

Now if you think about this, you understand that we are also having to pay some wages to sort this rubbish out. While paying these wages are cheaper than dumping everything at landfill tips, it still contributes to the price you pay us to hire a skip bin in Melbourne. So we’ve gone one step further. If our clients fill a skip with 100% concrete, or 100% soil or even 100% green waste, we will further reduce the cost of that skip bin hire. With these loads there is no need for sorting, and no need to pay someone’s wages to do that sorting. That skip load is taken straight to our transfer stations and added to piles of waste made of the same rubbish type.

Skip hire Melbourne provides competitive pricing on our wide range of skip bins. If you are looking for skip hire options in the CBD and Northern suburbs of Melbourne, feel free to give us a call for a quick quote and same or next day delivery if required.

Melbourne cup has come and gone for 2016 and it’s time to look ahead to the next and final main event for the year. Christmas is coming, if you’ve been down to the local Big W lately you would have seen the shelves starting to fill up with Christmas decorations. There’s sales on gifts and lots of posters with ideas on how you can be a good husband, wife, daughter, son, pet owner, neighbour, and every other type of relationship you might have exposed yourself to this year.

The thing about Christmas is that it’s a time of the year where people gather together, and if it’s your turn to do the hosting this year then it’s a good idea to start planning your clean up sooner rather then later. BinHireMelbourne.com.au will be open right up until the 23rd of December this year for those of you who leave your clean ups till the last minute, but it is our recommendation that if you are planning a function at your place, that you organise your family clean up crew over the coming weeks.

So with all this in mind, here are our tips for areas to focus on with your Christmas skip bin Clean up this year;

christmas clean up

Get ready for the big end of year skip bin clean up

Cleaning Up Inside

Kitchens and Bathrooms

Cleaning up the kitchens and bathrooms is an easy place to start because what you’re going to need to do is get rid of any food items that have sat in the cupboard all year round, or any old toothbrushes and razors and get everything looking nice and tidy for your guests. While you’re doing this you can make a list of items you want to get to replace the things you are throwing away. With all the Christmas and Boxing sales coming up now is a good time to think about what you might want to add to your home for 2017.

General Household Tidy Up

If you have kids, wait for them to get home from school, get them out of their uniforms and onto their homework. Maybe give them a snack afterwards, then get them into their room to tidy up. Now, go and take a look at what they had trouble cleaning, try and find things they’ve broken through the year, and pack that all into a box or bag for easy loading into your skip bin. There will be tears, but just remind them that Santa is watching and maybe he will bring a barbie that still has both her arms and legs, or a monster truck that isn’t sparking the concrete while it drives around.

Apply these approaches to the rest of the house and before you know it everything will be looking spick and span for your looming visitors.

Cleaning Up Outside

Roof and Pool Areas

You might be asking why the roof and the pool areas are coming under the same heading? Well we’ll leave that to your imagination… If you missed the bad pun then we’ll just say it. You’re going to need to get onto the roof and start cleaning out the gutters of leaves and dirt and get them looking good for your brother and father in law. Get down by the pool and clear out the leaves, give it a sweep. Allocate this daily task for the next month to one of the children and bag up all the garden waste for disposal.

General Yard Tidy Up

Check out your gardens, do any weeding that is needed. Take a look at your trees and check for loose and broken branches. Cut these down and start piling everything together. If there is anything else you want to do to spruce up the garden before the guests begin to arrive, make those plans now. Mind you, now is not the time to start a big project, save that for next year. Just get everything looking nice and tidy and you’ll be good to go.

With all this taken care of its time to organise the skip bin you will be using to get rid of all this rubbish.

For a Christmas clean up, we recommend either a 4m³ or a 6m³ walk in bin, depending on how much you need to get rid of. If you only needed to use a skip for your green waste, then we will be able to provide you with a nice early Christmas discount on your skip bin hire.

Well Winter is over faster then Jon Snow expected. Now that spring has arrived, even the king of the North knows that it’s time to get out into the yard and get everything looking good for the day the nation stops. It’s true that there has already been a weekend of Spring, and yes the AFL grand final was a good excuse to have a long weekend of celebrations and relaxation, but there are now only 4 weeks left before Melbourne Cup and you do not want to leave any yard work too late or you will not be getting any permission from the boss to have a day with the boys.

Here are BinHireMelbourne.com.au’s top tips for doing your Spring clean right:

      1. Get the Rake Out
        Now that Winter has come and gone, the weather is going to be less cold, not warm, but less cold. Just like you, your garden does not enjoy the cold Melbourne mornings of Winter. Because of the colder temperatures you will have noticed that there are a lot of leaves and bits of broken sticks and branches throughout your yard. Rake it all up into piles and get the kids to load the piles into wheelbarrows which you can walk into our bins.

        Kids Spring Clean

        Let’s have a competition to see who can make the biggest pile. This works everytime.

      2. You’ll Need Gardening Gloves
        A lot of the plants and bushes in your garden will have taken some damage from the cold weather, much like your mentality after all the early mornings in the barely survivable Antarctic winds. While you need to wait it out till Christmas to recover, your garden can start to recover this weekend. Prune back any tired looking bushes and hedges, clip any sad looking plants, and before you know it your garden will be full of life again.
      3. Add to What you Have
        It’s a good time to have a think about what you are doing with the garden and plan out any extensions. When you do a big cleanup and get bin hire Melbourne to get rid of your green waste, you may as well use that space to dig up any new garden beds. Had your eyes on some plants or bushes all year that you’ve wanted to get rid of? Well do some research down at the local nursery and work out what to replace them with. If you do this right now, you might be able to avoid another big yard job until this time next year. Don’t forget to ask the boss if she wants anything new in the garden too. It doesn’t have to be plants you add, you could replace old pathways or just install a new one. Get creative, it’s fun and can help you forget about the Winter mornings.

BinHireMelbourne.com.au would also like to congratulate the Western Bulldogs for winning the premiership. We were extremely happy to see a good win over the Sydney Swans. Looking forward to race day, enjoy your Spring!


BinHireMelbourne.com.au is the proud sponsor of the Montmorency Auskick trophy day for 2016. As part of the Unlimited Group Pty Ltd we were able to give back to the local Montmorency community by ensuring the funds were available to give all the children involved in the success of the football club a trophy for their efforts this year.

The Montmorency Junior Football Club plays a huge role in the community by providing under 10’s and under 9’s an opportunity to be active on the weekend and be involved in sport through Auskick. The football club focusses on getting the children involved in the games while also providing professional training and a genuine pathway to continue with the sport into AFL through the Montmorency Senior Football Club.

Montmorency Junior Football Club Trophies

Trophies for all the kids who took part in the under 9’s and under 10’s with the Montmorency Junior Football Club.

The trophy presentation day was a great event to be involved in. To be able to see all the kids excited to collect their trophies and celebrate the highs of the season made our small contribution very worthwhile. We are excited to see these kids get back together again for next season, and hope that a day like today has served to encourage them to continue with a sport they enjoy. A lot of effort is involved in the running of a football club even at the junior level. Coaches and parents give time running training sessions and getting the kids to training and game days. Small fundraising events like the April Hot Cross buns day also take effort and help to offset the costs for the football club and keep the costs low for families.

Show your support for the Montmorency Junior Football Club by visiting and liking their Facebook page here.

Montmorency Junior Football Club Kids Receiving Trophies

A group of the kids sitting patiently while trophies are being presented.